What’s your most memorable summer?
Mine is the one I got to spend in Petoskey, MI. The summer of many firsts.

Eager to see the world I listened to Kristina’s advice (https://restlessinlove.com/kristina/) and packed my bags for the summer. USA it is. I put a smile on my face to last 3 entire months and boarded the plane. Here goes my first time!

I remember walking the streets of Chicago where I had my training and not believing that I was there. Amazing! A couple of days later I arrived to my destination. I loved Petoskey. Thinking about it I probably would have loved any place in the States. I was abroad for the first time and that’s all that mattered. Petoskey had the best fudge around. For someone who’s addicted to chocolate that was heaven. There was the lake, there were huge malls (way to spend those tips, right, girls?), there was freedom.
I had a job as a housekeeper (here goes the first one again!) at Stafford’s Perry hotel (https://www.staffords.com/)

And so did my friends. We cleaned rooms during the day and took shifts in the kitchen in the late afternoons. Officially a salad girl, I spent more time licking bowls with remaining brownie mix than preparing actual salads. I was always up for running into the walk-in fridge to get whatever was needed, as I could quickly swallow a piece of chocolate on my way out.
We worked really long hours. At the end of the day we would be exhausted. But that’s not what I remember the most. I remember my friends. I remember lying on the cool grass, staring at the sky, and just sharing the moment.

For the longest time, living back home, I’d been dreaming of becoming a WAG. My country didn’t do bad in basketball. Actually, our players were quite good. I was into tall, athletic and handsome men, who travelled all over the world and made loads of money. ‘Have you found yourself a basketball player yet?’ – my sister asked me during one of my phone calls home. She knew all about my dreams, of course. ‘No, I found myself a chef’ – I told her.