I watched ‘Soul’ a few days ago. You know, the one from Pixar. I really liked it. Especially the part with the cat, as it made me laugh so hard! But alright, I won’t tell you any more about it (sneak peak here, if you wish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOsLIiBStEs), but I do recommend it, just like my good friend Karla recommended it to me (gracias, amiga!)
The message is clear. Live every day, every moment. Live now. It’s not something new that I never heard of before. But it got me thinking – am I so focused on finding love, that I miss out on it right here, right now? Love surrounds me in so many shapes and forms. We are all love. Still, I keep looking for it, intensely. I need love in my life. The love in the shape of a man and a partner.
It was all her fault. At least that’s what my sister thought. She even called her ‘a witch’ at some point.
Kristina is my best friend. Back then, almost 20 years ago, Kristina just gave me an advice. A smart one. A logical remark to my thoughts. ‘I’d like to go to France and practice my French’, – I announced while discussing countries for summer student exchange program one day close to the end of our third year at the university. ‘Vilma, you can go to France anytime. It’s so close. Better take this chance and go to the States’, – Kristina said. It all made sense. Studying in Europe and going for the summer to France was too… easy. It didn’t sound as adventurous or as exciting as working for the summer in the USA. Kristina had already been there and she knew what she was talking about.
Today Kristina remains my best friend, she is happily married and writes her own blog https://stampinpassport.com/ Her most memorable trip, in my eyes, was visiting me this past Thanksgiving, am I right, Kristina?

Back then though, young and innocent, we didn’t know much and certainly didn’t think our lives would take us where we are today. She found her love and it certainly wasn’t easy. I am still searching.