I often catch myself thinking:
-When I have more money, my life will be so much better.
-When I find a man, THE man, my life will be so much better.
-When I get a new job, my life will be so much better.
-When I have my own place, finally, my home, my life will be so much better.
And then I remind myself, just as often: – When I stop thinking crappy thoughts like that and concentrate on the ‘now’, then my life will truly be better.

Because I don’t want to be the rich industrialist. I want to be the fisherman.
And if the news has not reached you through the grapevine yet, I am back in Europe. Hoping my life will be better here.

I counted how many times in the past six years I had gone to Mexico. The answer is four. Then I counted how many times in the past six years I had been back to my home country. The answer is three. It’s been this or that side of the ocean for quite a while now. I’d like to say I’m back for good this time, but having done the counting and knowing my restless soul, my guess is as good as yours.
What did I leave behind? Many dear friends, big and little. I left the country that gave me so much, but at the same time took away even more. And I left these guys behind:
-London boy. Currently with a new girlfriend, THE girlfriend, hoping she’s already pregnant. And reminding me the true way to happiness, girlfriend or no girlfriend.

-The guy from Belize.

-The traveler.

Our move was smooth. It was perfect. We left the sun and the heat for the clouds and the cold. But the love of my family keeps us warm and brings smiles to our faces.
Four years ago, Beno and I did exactly the same. We packed our bags and jumped on the plane to Europe.

We believed the grass was greener on the other side.