A couple of weeks ago.
‘You should invite me over,’– I write to him. You know that when it comes to getting what I want, I’m not the shy type.
‘Come over,’ – he agrees. Oh my god. This is finally happening.
‘Can I really come?’ – I have to make sure. I can’t afford getting excited over nothing.
‘I’ll see you in April.’– Yes! You sure will.
A few days later.
‘You will come to meet me at the airport, right? You remember the story I told you? Besides, you need to put in some effort, too.’ – I am not making the same mistake. The last time I flew over to meet a guy it turned out to be a disaster. I swore to myself to never ever fly anywhere to meet a guy again. I’ve done that one too many times. But for this guy, gosh, for him I’d do a lot. However, I learn from my mistakes. Thus the message above.
‘I’ll visit you. It will be easier for me’. – OK, cool. It will be much easier for me, too.
The next day.
‘I may just buy a ticket tonight’. – What a tease he is.
‘You are such a tease,’ – he knows words mean nothing. He likes to play games.
‘I have no choice. You don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.’ – He’s right. This feels good.
The next morning.
‘I had a dream about you. You only need to show me a picture of a ticket and I dream of you.’ – It was a beautiful dream. I tell him all about it.
‘Nice dream.’ – Hm. A bit dry, I’d say. It wasn’t ‘nice’. It was beautiful.
Later same day.
‘So are you coming over on those days that you mentioned?’ – I need to know. Let’s get this settled.
‘No, sorry.’ – Reasons follow that I don’t care to acknowledge or remember.
‘You are not sorry. And I finally take ‘no’ for an answer.’ – I’m tired of this game. I want to delete his number. Why keep it? I want him gone from my life. But I do nothing.